Friday, April 3, 2009

alcohol + previous boy drama = awkward crying

sooo, last night we were hanging out... and this one girl, Wanda, was a ridiculous amount of drunk. It was a little obscene how much alcohol she had consumed, and so she starts getting into it with this Phi Pi guy she had sort of been dating on and off (who by the way, wants REALLY bad to go formal with some other chick/hookup with this chick too... anyway) so they start yelling at each other and she starts crying, and he (oh wait... did I mention that this Phi Mu Pi guy is the one who had raped someone? awesome) gets hella upset and they're yelling and he just leaves without saying anything and goes off into the cold dark night...
and while this epic fight is happening we're just sitting there awkwardly trying not to overhear because we don't want to be invasive. but at the same time we want to know whats going on since we're going to talk about it the next day anyway.

why do some of the girls in my sorority think they can get away with never going to class?
they fail the tests...
and they don't go to class
and they are going to fail and get put on academic probation.
so what if I got a D + on my religion midterm... D's get degrees people!

peace love and random greek letters

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lets Get This Straight

Okay, I may sound like a complete bitch in my posts.
but I honestly love my sorority.
I really truly do.
I love my sisters, I just get sick of other greeks sometime...

and now its time for....

rumors rumors are SO fun, rumor rumors, come read one!

okay, lets start with Lacey, who is an Alpha Alpha Alpha
we're going to issue a straight up SKANK alert on this chick.
apparently, she lost her virginity to SEVERAL Delta Rho Phi Guys in one night.
how can one lose said virginity to MULTIPLE guys in ONE night?
oh. did I mention, IN A BATHROOM.
umm... when you are getting triple teamed by the Delta Rhos in a nasty ass frat bathroom,
you KNOW you are one classy bitch.

and lets move on to the twins in the Phi Mu Pi frat,
they have hooked up with EVERYONE in my sorority.
and I have it on VERY good authority that one of them,
the taller of the two...
raped someone!

**** please take everything I say with a whole bucket of salt. I am the most sarcastic person on the planet, and I realize the bloggosphere is not a great place for that medium of humor, but I'm going to go with it anyay***

we'll have more from the rumor mill later on.

peace love and random greek letters

Sorority Formal or...

How To Find A Date in An Entire Semester

our formal is coming up at the end of this semester, and as one might be able to guess, no one has a date and everyone is fighting over the best frat guys.
I can't believe I just used the word best and frat guys in the same sentence.
So, maybe there is like, one frat guy worth taking.
and I said maybe, and thats only because
a. I don't know all of them that well.
b. I'm pretty sure they all suck.
They aren't that attractive,
I'm pretty sure they are RIDDEN with more STDs than Lindsay Lohan's dildo
and to top it all off
they think they are the shit.
news flash frat boys.
you aren't.
I hate to break it to you, but if your life peaks here? ouch. But it probably will.
The keg stands you do every party? When your metabolism slows down its going to catch up with you.
and so will your slowly receding hairline.
oh MAN I can't wait to see some of you in a few years.
Think you are hot shit? How about when after all the hookups and random girls catch up to you and you end up sterile because of some nasty STD
or worse... heaven forbid.
you end up to father to some half brain idiot child accident (hmm... why does that sound so familiar for you? geee....)
get real.
get studying.
and get ready for the real world which does not include "anything but clothes parties" and drunk chicks with their mouths open.

as girls cat their ways around, trying to scope out a date, I look on and laugh.
I've had a date since last semester. oh the benefits of having guy friends outside our school.

the worst is how much this whole formal seems to freak everyone out.
it reminds me of highschool, when it got to be spring, and it was "dance" season, our tiny california highschool looked more like one of those jungle scenes in mean girls.
for real.
cat fights in the quad, bitching behind each others backs,
oh I can almost SMELL the betrayal and cheap corsages.

one girl is straight up STALKING a guy that turned her down, and its getting really creepy. yes, facebook may be a convenient way to keep in touch with your friends, but when you are on the same persons page, seeing who they talk to, lurking on their pictures all the while texting them and constantly obsessing?
you've gone a LITTLE too far.
and yes, I'm talking to you.
he doesn't want to go to formal with you. just because you guys had sex last semester, doesn't mean he likes you. and his excuse is weak, half assed and obvious.
you got rejected.
now get over him.

another girl is too nervous to ask a guy she likes, so she's decided that spreading the word that she likes him to all his frat brothers and/or convincing one of us to ask him to formal for her is the best idea.
thats a great idea.
if you were 11.
guess what.
you are fucking 20 years old.
now act like it.

I'll be stoked when formal is over.